Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

Catch up with me - Fashion in the work place

Welcome back hot girls! I have been MIA for a few weeks now because I have been going through a huge career change. I decided to get my insurance license and begin a career in insurance in hopes to connect with my community and help out where I can! I am super stoked about what the future holds for me, but right now I am focusing on preparing myself to be able to be as successful as I possibly can. I studied my butt off for my licensing exam and am now working hard to prepare for training.

One of the rules I live by is you have to look good to feel good to preform good! Your clothing can represent so much about who you are, and if you present yourself professionally and put together you will be more inclined to feel that way on the inside as well! I won’t lie, finding business attire that I loved and reflected my personal style was not as easy as I thought it would be. There are a lot of guidelines your wardrobe should follow to be considered appropriate for the work place, which puts limitations on how much you can experiment with your outfits. If you find yourself struggling to find clothing for your professional career that still shows off your personal style, come on a hot girl talk with me to learn how you can be both professional and hot!!

When I first realized I needed to rebuild my professional wardrobe, I was extremely overwhelmed so I went all the way back to the basics. I had to find a “base” outfit or silhouette that I could then alter and add my personal touch to. I found a trouser that fit my body type and was comfortable enough to wear all day, and bought three pairs in different neutral colors. I also found some great base tops (bodysuits and t-shirts) that are high quality and will last a while with daily use. It is absolutely boiling hot outside right now, so I had to get some professional pleated shorts to wear on days I have to be outside a little more. I am lucky enough to not have a written dress code, so I’m able to dress outfits down or up based on what I feel is appropriate for the tasks I have that day! For my base items, I went to Abercrombie, Aritzia, H&M (not my favorite but more affordable option), and Steve Madden. I’m a heels-at-work girl, so Steve Madden was a great option that was better quality without totally breaking the bank.

After I had a solid base to every outfit, I looked for pieces I could use to accessorize or layer to show some personality. The easiest way to do this is with jackets, vests, belts, and shoes. I got the cutest little cardigans from a few different stores that have fun fabrics, patterns, and colors. I always recommend mixing “masculine” and “feminine” pieces together to add dimension to an outfit. For example: a boxier more masculine button down shirt paired with a work appropriate skort and some heels. Another example: a very feminine button down vest or cardigan with slacks and a loafer.

The most important thing to remember when trying to build a work wardrobe that reflects your personal style is to purchase pieces because you LIKE them, not because you have to have them. I won’t buy something for work I would be embarrassed or uncomfortable to wear to drinks with friends after I get off. You should always be looking for pieces that you get excited about wearing. If you’re dreading putting on a boring outfit, you’ll also be dreading going to your job. Even if you aren’t the most excited about work, at least allow yourself to be excited about what you get to wear to it!

This is just the beginning of the process of building up my work wardrobe, so we can learn and navigate this together. We can all be working hard and looking hot while doing it!

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

Tips for Smart Shopping

I’m back girls! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday weekend. I was not about to try to compete with hotdogs, boats, or alcohol on the Fourth of July, but we’re back this week hotter than ever!

This week I am going to ease everyone into the ins and outs of fast fashion by discussing smart ways to shop. Join me on a hot girl talk so you can save your wardrobe and the environment!

The easiest way to help the environment is to reuse the clothing that you already own, but in some cases we either just really need or really want to shop! If you find yourself in a position where you are definitely buying new clothing, I have three tips to help you decide if it is a “smart” buy.

  1. Determining the Cost Per Wear and the Impact Per Wear

To calculate the cost per wear of an item, divide its price tag by the number of times you’re planning to wear it/you’ve worn it. The more often the item is/will be worn, the less the cost per wear will be! The lower the CPW is, the smarter the purchase is. To calculate the impact per wear of an item, divide its environmental impact by the number of times you’re planning to wear it/you’ve worn it. This is not a realistic calculation to make while shopping (the environmental impacts of each clothing item for each brand is not often accessible), but it’s good to keep in the back of your mind. This is also a topic I would suggest researching for more information if it deeply interests you.

  1. Purchase High Quality Items

High quality items can sometimes come with a price, but it is definitely worth it for a timeless piece of clothing. For example, investing in business casual clothing that you would wear every day for a corporate job would be a smart way of shopping. You would want clothing that you wear every day to hold up, so you don’t have to keep replacing the item. Amazon and Shein may seem like the easy way out for work clothing (or other clothing that is worn on a daily basis), but the smartest thing to do is to invest in everyday pieces that will last as long as possible. My mom invested in high quality blouses years ago that I wear today! (Thanks girl love you)


I cannot stress this last tip enough (I don’t know if I would even consider it a tip I might make it mandatory if you’re hot). Thrifting, buying used, and borrowing clothing is an incredibly smart way to “shop”. Most clothing items are made from synthetic materials, which take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. When you thrift or borrow, you help extend the life of clothes, which can reduce the volume of clothing sent to landfills each year. This also means fewer wasted resources: Making clothes takes a lot of water (along with labor, carbon omissions, etc). In short, the longer a piece of clothing lives, the longer Earth lives!

I could yap about the topic of fast fashion and smart shopping for ever and ever and ever. The fashion industry can be seriously harmful to the environment, but it doesn’t have to be! Educating yourselves is the best way to help out. Keep coming on hot girl talks, and for more information check out my Instagram Account @hotgirltalkk for updates/links to helpful resources.

Smart shopping is HOT!

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

My relationship with the fashion industry

This week we are going on a hot girl talk that is slightly different than our usual conversations. With every post I write, I aim to not only spread my knowledge on the fashion industry but also the joy and inspiration that fashion can bring into your life. Everyone loves a good origin story, so I want to walk you all through how I initially got into fashion and how it has positively impacted my life over the years.

Growing up I was always naturally drawn to different ways I could express myself creatively. As a very young child this began with simple things like coloring or painting, but as I got older I expressed a lot of interest in things such as hair, makeup, and clothing. I truly have never looked at these things as something superficial (to an extent) and instead more of a way to express myself. When I was little, my mom used to let me do my own hair and pick out my own outfits going to school because I have always been so into it. I did look absolutely ridiculous the majority of the time, but it introduced the world of fashion and beauty to me in a way that was healthy and expressive, instead of something we did to “impress” other people.

When I was in kindergarten we had those little “All About Me” worksheets that every student took home and filled out to hang on the wall in the classroom. Under the section of “What do I want to be when I grow up” I wrote “fashion designer”. I don’t know if my 6 year old brain could really understand what that meant (my mother swears I was just a very intelligent child but she has to say that), but I knew I was very passionate about clothing in some way. I would go shopping with my family and start rearranging the merchandise tables because things “didn’t go together” and try to force my mother to buy me designer bags when the only thing I could put in a purse was a chapstick or a stick of gum. I have been obnoxiously into fashion for as long as I can remember.

As I got older I got more into athletics, but not necessarily because I was active or competitive. My older sister had try-outs for a travel indoor volleyball team and I went with my family to watch. I told my parents that I “liked the volleyball costumes” (I was 7) and so naturally I was also placed on a travel team. I ended up choosing volleyball above the many other sports I was playing because again, they had the cutest uniform. I have never been able to resist a great pair of booty shorts and I’m not sorry about it.

My love for fashion continued to grow throughout middle school and high school. I went to private Catholic schools with uniforms, which lead to me constantly getting dress coded. I would always try to manipulate the uniform or add accessories to it to try to express myself the best way I knew how — through clothing. My high school had to add sections to their dress code policy because I would find the most ridiculous ways to weasel around it to show my personal style.

For my senior trip, my mom took me and my family on a trip of my choice (within reason) so of course I dragged everyone to New York City. This point in my life is when I started taking fashion more seriously because I realized that people could actually pursue careers in the industry. I fell in love with how expressive everyone was with their clothing choices in New York and I went home feeling inspired.

My freshman year of college I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life because I was 18 years old and really just focused on my collegiate beach volleyball career. Most of the girls on my team were majoring in a science to then go into something sports and health related, so I decided to do the same. One year into it and I realized that I absolutely hated the kinesiology courses I had to take and decided to study the one thing I have always been sure I was passionate about. I switched my major to Apparel Design and my outlook on my college education completely changed. I was absolutely loving the majority of my classes (I still hate math) and I felt like I could now envision my life after graduation and after volleyball.

Being a fashion major brought new challenges that I was not anticipating. People often look down on my degree as if I took the easy way out. While I was still in college I got so much sh*t for being a fashion major, especially from men (not ALL of them, I’m not going there I swear). I have always understood that on the surface it may seem easy or useless or whatever other offensive term people loved to use, but nobody took the time of day to ask why I was doing this or what it was that I would even do for my classes. For four years I studied an industry that is so misunderstood. These experiences lit a fire within me to try to break the stereotypes of the industry and show people how much positivity fashion can bring to peoples’ lives.

I now fear that I’m rambling (that’s not hot sorry), but I have cared so deeply about fashion for my entire life. There is nothing that can make you FEEL the way that clothing does. When I’m sick or upset, I put on my softest pajama set to feel comfort. When I want to look sexy and powerful, I put on a little black dress that fits me in all the right places and makes me feel like I own any room I walk into. There is something so powerful and moving about clothing, and it frustrates me that it is stereotypically seen as something materialistic or vapid.

Fashion has changed my life for the better in so many ways and has helped me learn about who I am as I’ve grown up. I will always use fashion as a creative outlet and I will continue to encourage everyone around me to do the same. I hope you hot girls enjoyed hearing a snippet of my fashion journey, and I hope this inspires you to have a positive relationship with fashion in your own lives. Fashion is hot. Self-expression is hot. I will never stop pushing that narrative.

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

My personal (and unwarranted) opinions on fashion trends

Hey hot girls! This week I have a topic that I have been itching to write about: My opinion on fashion trends. I am here to tell you today all of my opinions whether you asked for them or not! I will preface this with please do not let my opinion or the opinion of others discourage you from wearing things that you love. The point of fashion is to express YOU, not anybody else. With that being said this is always a fun topic and I love to ruffle some feathers and see who agrees with me. Let’s get into it.

First trend I want to discuss is the newfound obsession the internet has with leopard print. In my opinion, leopard print never went anywhere. This print has been a classic for at least my entire lifetime and I truly think there will always be a way to wear it that is “trendy”. However, leopard print denim needs to go and here’s why. Whenever you see any pattern printed on to a denim piece of clothing it is an easy assumption that it’s a micro trend. The best example I can think of is the cow print jeans that were trending during the pandemic. The leopard print jeans will be cool for about six months and then they will get thrown out or donated so the next micro trend can replace them. I personally think that printed denim appears “cheap”. There’s something that is not luxurious about printing a pattern on to denim pants and I truly can’t explain why. Possibly because so many fast-fashion brands do this, but big designers fall victim to this as well (I believe). Summary is: leopard print is always in, printed jeans are always out.

We really need to talk about casual sneakers. There have been so many over the years that become super popular and then the next shoe comes in and replaces it. Converse used to be the coolest thing ever, then keds, then vans, then Adidas superstars, then air force ones, then platform converse, the entire chunky dad tennis shoe phase, and now we have heavily moved into the Adidas sambas. My personal take on this is that none of them in a neutral color are ever truly out of style (maybe vans and keds those aren’t really my thing). You could form an argument for the platform converse because platform shoes in general were extremely trendy in the 2020s and arguably still are. However I feel like generally speaking all of these shoes in their most generic form (no crazy colors or patterns) could survive the fashion lifecycle. Sneakers are another realm of fashion that I never really understood in a way so this might be a very controversial opinion. Some people are sneaker heads and that is so great and cool for them, I just never got super into it. Bottom line: there will always be a time and place all neutral casual sneakers (unless they don’t have laces sorry).

Okay girls we have to talk about jorts. I f**king LOVE jorts. The perfect pair of jorts can genuinely change your life and you cannot convince me otherwise. I do think that if they are too long or baggy then those might go out of style a little sooner, but I do think they’d come pack (i.e. the super laggy 90s jorts). You can put these shorts with arguably any top and create the most interesting, Pinterest board, “cool girl” outfit of all time. They are also great for any event because of their length. You can dress them up for brunch with a blouse and some mules, or dress them all the way down and wear them as a beach cover-up. Jorts are one of the most versatile and iconic pieces of clothing and you will never change my mind.

Since we are on the topic of shorts I have no choice but to honorable mention bloomers and micro shorts. I do think that these are micro-trends and we are going to look back and think they are so silly but I am obsessed. I think they look SO badass and I want to get multiple pairs, but I’m trying to hold off to see if it’ll stick around or die out quick.

You guys are really going to hate this one and I apologize in advance, but the maxi denim skirts HAVE to go. I will say they look really cute on tall girlies and it gives like a country alternative east-coast vibe, but I can’t get behind it. I think they are cute right now but I think so soon we are going to see the downfall of the maxi jean skirt because the lack of versatility. I see the skirt and I see one very specific vibe and that vibe only. It’s a great look, but then what else can I even use it for. I know y’all are loving your denim maxi skirts and I hear you and see you I AM you, but it’s a no from me baby. Keep looking hot in them if you have one though and prove me wrong.

Hot girls this is my last unwarranted opinion on fashion trends and it is somewhat of a prediction: wedges are coming back. I’m not necessarily talking about the cork wedges because I think there is a specific time and place for those. Although if you live in Florida I truly think the cork wedge was never out. I just truly think the wedge is going to march its way back in and give us hot girls the style AND comfort we need when we have to serve looks. Imagine a a black wedge with a thong toe, a pair of slightly oversized jeans, a baby tee or girly blouse, and a mini shoulder bag. I just think it’ll be so good and I am already on the hunt for some hot girl wedges.

Okay hot girls that wraps up this weeks hot girl talk about my opinions on fashion trends. Please remember that my opinion is truly just for your entertainment and you should wear whatever it is you love and makes you feel hot! Confidence is the hottest fashion trend that will never go out of style.

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

Hot Girl Packing Guide- Avoid Event Shopping!

Pack your bags hot girls we’re going to California!

I am so excited because this weekend I get to visit one of my best friends from college and she lives in the beautiful state of California. As a Louisiana girl, getting some of that California weather will be truly life saving. I plan to blog and potentially vlog this trip so stay tuned for a hot girl talk- Cali style!

As I was preparing for this trip, all I wanted to do was buy an entirely new wardrobe. Something about California inspires me to push the fashion limits and wear things I might not want to at home. I’ll be on the beach so I wanted to buy new bikinis and coverups. I’m going to a concert so I wanted to buy a new concert outfit. It also will be much MUCH cooler there temperature wise, so naturally I had the urge to buy cute oversized summer jackets. As I was online window shopping and drafting up carts on different websites, I realized how silly and also hypocrital I was being. I aim to promote fashion in a positive way and inspire people to be smart and creative with their wardrobe. Event shopping is typically not smart and can sometimes stunt creativity. Soo for this trip I banned myself from buying anything and forced myself to work with what is in my closet (and in my sisters closet, that’s not cheating right?). 

The first thing I did was gather a loose itinerary for the trip. From there I figured what outfits I needed to construct, and also how many options I wanted to give myself. I always like to bring a few options especially if I’m not trying on the outfits before hand (you really should just try them on but I’m lazy). 

After I had a plan for what I needed outfits for, I started digging in my closet. I pulled out all of my all time favorite pieces: my jorts, my black mini skort, my cowboy boots, and my basic baby tees. From here I went back through literally every item hanging in my closet (insane I know). I started at one side and sifted through each hanger examining the piece of clothing and how it looked with my staple pieces. This actually helped me curate some new outfits I had not worn that would be perfect for the trip.

One of my favorite things to do if I am in a fashion block is wear an item of clothing in a way it’s not intended. For example: a lacey dress can be turned into a skirt by putting a baby tee on top or folding the top half of the dress into the bottom, a mini skirt can become a tube top, and a maxi skirt can turn into a strapless dress. I ended up borrowing a dress from my sister that I intend to use as a skirt (I’m sure you will see on socials).

Honestly the biggest thing that helped me avoid event shopping was simply not letting myself. Try to rework your wardrobe or borrow from a friend. Forcing yourself to use what you have also adds a level of organization to your packing! I had no choice but to lay out all of my outfits making it super easy to check everything off the list and put it in my suitcase.

I am a serial event shopper, so I am very proud of avoiding it for this trip! I also told myself if I’m going to buy clothes I might as well buy clothes ON vacation instead of before (kind of defeats the purpose but it helped me avoid shopping). My new rule is if I’m only going to wear it one time it has to be for a once in a lifetime event for me to justify buying it! For example: I’m buying some bridal clothing items for my bachelorette trip because I only get one and it’s a special moment. For holidays, I try to only buy one thing a year to build up a capsule for said holiday. Example: Mardi Gras is once a year but it’s every year so I will allow myself to get one new thing to add to my Mardi Gras clothing collection each year.

If you are not an event shopper I am so proud of you. If you are then I am right there with you! At the end of the day you should be able to buy whatever you want whenever you want, but don’t forget to push yourself to get creative with your wardrobe! Remember to shop smart and spread positivity in the fashion community by supporting small businesses, donating, and thrifting. That’s hot!

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

The Ultimate Guide to a Hot Girl Summer

Summer is finally here hot girls, and I have done all the research for you. What colors are trending this season? What is going to be your go-to piece when you’re in a pinch? What is a must-have in your summer wardrobe? Let’s go on a hot girl talk and I will fill you in on everything you need to have the hottest summer possible.

I have personally always struggled the most in finding my personal style in warmer seasons. During seasons like fall or winter, it’s easy to add dimension to your outfits by layering different coats, jackets, scarves, etc. I have found myself in a road block at times when trying to pick out an outfit that I’m proud of when it’s a million degrees outside. I want to throw on the smallest top I can find and some jean shorts and call it a day, but that never emotes my true style and it ultimately doesn’t feel like “me”. Here are a few things I have done to give myself a Hot Girl Summer.

The first, and in my opinion easiest, way to add some of your personal style to summer outfits is with colors and patterns. This can be adding a colorful bag, jewelry, or pair of sunnies to a basic outfit to give it a little character and a summer vibe. You don’t have to completely start from scratch! One of my favorite hobbies is studying color trends and predicting what the colors of each season will be based off of designer runway shows and look books. For example, this past fall/winter, a deep wine red was the hottest color you could wear. The red is going to come with us into the summer season, but it’ll be a brighter cherry shade. We will also see a lot of pastel yellows and blues, giving that European summer feel. When in doubt for what colors to reach for this summer, go with your primary colors (they’re primary for a reason). Primary colors give a quiet luxury feel and are true classics. A traditional pattern we will also see a lot of this summer is stripes in every direction and every color! A white linen pant with light blue vertical stripes is going to be my go-to this summer.

We have our color scheme, now what?

The next step in curating our summer wardrobe is finding interesting yet breathable pieces to go with our basics (everyone needs/probably owns a good plain white t-shirt, some jean shorts, some sort of basic little tank top, etc). My go-to fabric when I’m looking for summer clothing items is a cotton-linen blend. Linen is everything in the warmer months because of how breathable it is as a fabric. Linen shorts, pants, and button downs are great ways to add dimension to your closet because they come in so many fun colors and patterns. Just be careful when washing because shrinking your clothes is not hot! I am also trying to stray away from jean short-shorts and push myself to get creative in the bottom half of my outfits. I am on the hunt for a good pair of mom style jean shorts, silk mini skirts, and patterned linen or boxer shorts that I can pair with baby tees or even short sleeve blouses. If you truly just love your jean short-shorts, try adding a belt and a fun bag to add some color and texture!

The quickest and easiest summer outfit of all time is throwing on a cute and comfortable dress. I love a good summer dress because it can be worn in so many different ways. Throw on a pair of cowboy boots, a pair of sneakers, or a kitten heel and you have three completely different looks. You can also throw on a baby tee under to add another layer that’s still comfortable for warm weather. If you don’t have a good summer dress, you need one!

The Ultimate Guide to a Hot Girl Summer is not complete without the most important accessory of all: confidence. Whatever you decide to wear this summer, it should make you feel like the best version of you! The key to having a hot girl summer is to be a Hot Girl, and that starts with you expressing your true self. Originality is hot!

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

Outfit Anxiety— It does not have to ruin your night.

I have had my fair share of outfit anxiety “attacks”. Mind you I am using the word anxiety in an extremely specific scenario. It is not hot to joke about mental illnesses and that is definitely not what we’re doing here. That being said, Outfit Anxiety is such a real issue and I am sure all of you have felt it at least once in your life. I’m painting a familiar picture for you today hot girls:

You’re getting ready to grab drinks with your friends. You want to dress to impress but suddenly you either A) have no clothes or B) hate every clothing item you own! Everything you try on does not look right or you feel yourself gravitating towards the ultimate girl uniform: jeans and a black top. Long story short this leads to a freakout. Everything is bad, you feel terrible, and the clothing won this battle.

Not anymore!

Outfit or Fashion anxiety is extremely common. We all want to look and feel our best, especially if we’re going to an event that’s important to us. The biggest thing we can do to overcome this and allow ourselves to feel confident is to figure out the root of the anxiety. If we can’t locate the source we can’t solve the problem!

In my experience, outfit anxiety can stem from one of three things:

  1. Feeling insecure about how your body physically looks in clothing

  2. Being afraid to have a different style than your peers

  3. Simply not knowing where to start when shopping for/picking out clothing items for an event

Within the past year I went through a major change in my lifestyle which lead to a major change in my body. I went from playing division one sports and having a grueling schedule to working out maybe once a week if I was feeling up for it. Naturally my body changed and I fell into panic mode. I started having outfit anxiety because my clothes no longer fit me “right” and I had curves in places I hadn’t before. Everything I was putting on didn’t look the same on me as it did in college which sent me into a full on spiral. For the first time in a long time I had to rediscover what items I felt confident in and find the motivation to invest in this new body that felt so foreign to me. This definitely was not easy, but if you’re finding that you have outfit anxiety because of the way clothing fits, then this next bit is for you.

Your body is going to change so much throughout your life and there is only so much you can do about it (as long as you’re treating yourself right and being healthy). This will naturally lead to speed bumps in your wardrobe. However, this does not have to be a negative thing. I pulled myself out of this rut with a closet clean out and a little bit of thrifting. I got rid of the items that made me feel uncomfortable. Never forget that the clothing should fit YOU, not the other way around. I went to some thrift stores to collect some new cost-efficient items that I felt confident in and also reflected my personal style. I now have built up a wardrobe that fits MY body instead of trying to fit my body to my wardrobe.

Some people may feel nervous to leave the house in something considered bold or unconventional by their peers. For example: I grew up in a small town where fashion boundaries were not pushed. Almost everyone had the same “style” and people would give you funny looks if you strayed from the norm. If standing out is the root of your outfit anxiety, the only tip I truly have for you is who f*cking cares (respectfully). Your style is your identity and it should be held to that standard. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having the same style as other people. I jumped on the Adidas Sambas train because I felt it fit my personal style, and so did everyone else. Thats great!

When you’re picking out your outfit or going shopping, you have to think about WHY you are leaning towards specific items. Ask yourself, “Does this reflect my personality or do I only like this because I think I’m supposed to?”. If you are wearing something because you think someone else will think it’s stylish or cool then you’re doing it all wrong. Fashion is for you and you only. The opinions of strangers are only going to cloud your judgement and potentially cause you more outfit anxiety. Trust me, being uncomfortable in clothing that everyone else likes is much worse than feeling comfortable in something that maybe isn’t everyones’ cup of tea.

If you fall into category three of just not knowing where to even begin, you may just be completely overthinking the situation. I find myself falling into this category a lot because I put so much pressure on my clothing choices, especially if it’s for a big event. Although I still struggle with this very frequently, I have learned how to handle it and not let it ruin everything. The best tip I have for this is to find a “comfort” clothing item. If you know me personally, you know that my comfort item is a black mini skort. If I ever find myself in a rut, I’ll pull out my trusty mini skort and try it with probably everything else I have in my closet. I love this piece because I can dress it up or down and it truly fits almost every occasion I go to. Would I suggest everyone buying a black mini skort? Honestly, probably. But the point of that having one versatile piece of clothing (a skirt, a dress, even a pair of shoes) that you always feel confident in will help you on days you’re feeling too overwhelmed or uninspired to think of something from scratch.

It is important to remember that anxiety generally comes from your own head. If you’re struggling with outfit anxiety, I promise you are not the only one. I also promise that nobody else is going to be judging you as hard as you judge yourself. Pushing your fashion boundaries and experimenting will help you find your personal style and release you from the anxiety surrounding your clothing choices. At the end of the day, fashion is supposed to be fun and it really is not that serious even if it feels like it is. Be yourself and also, just buy a black mini skort.

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

The Misconception of Dressing for Men.

Women dress for themselves.

One of the greatest delights of modern society is women’s fashion. As women, we are allowed to experiment with clothing and express our individuality through fashion. However, women’s clothing and what it means to men has been a hot topic for as long as the fashion industry has existed. There is a toxic culture at play in which women’s bodies and clothing choices are being policed by others. Snap judgements and prejudices about a woman’s character are formed based off of her outfit choices, typically objectifying and sexualizing her. Everyone is of course allowed an opinion, there is no argument there. However, it is time to make it clear that women do not dress for the male gaze— we dress for ourselves.

I should preface this conversation with the fact that in my life, I am shown support and respect of my clothing choices and I express myself in any way I see fit (not all men are evil). I do think there is an aspect of respect when it comes to this topic and like most things in life this is not a black and white situation. I think every relationship is different and as long as you are communicating your intentions and boundaries, it is nobody else’s business. That being said, I am not talking about controlling boyfriends here.

I am talking about a random stranger (man or woman) assuming that I am less intelligent than they are because I’m wearing a mini skirt or I like wearing the color pink. I am talking about a man thinking that a woman wants to be touched or talked to because she is wearing jeans that hug her hips. I am talking about the assumption that women get dressed thinking “I am going to put this dress on so that men will look at my body sexually”. This is the misconception that needs to be discussed.

Contrary to popular belief, women do not pick out their outfits with the intention of pleasing men, or anyone but themselves. When I pick out an outfit, the last thing I am thinking of is how a man will perceive me. I have truly never thought “Wow Chad is definitely going to flirt with me because I put on my favorite pair of jeans!”. Fashion is a way to express yourself without labels or boxes to put yourself into. If you want to wear a latex mini dress with six inch heels, awesome! If you want to wear a hoodie that goes down to your knees with sweatpants, incredible! Your personal style is truly nobody else’s business but your own and it is meant to make YOU feel your best.

There are always exceptions to the rule and I cannot speak for every person in the world. What I can confidently say is that women have overcome too much to be put down for wearing something that makes them feel powerful, comfortable, or confident. There is nothing wrong with tight clothing. There is nothing wrong with baggy clothing. There is nothing wrong with looking sexy. There is nothing wrong with looking either feminine or masculine. There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself in a way that makes you feel like the best version of you. Not everything in this world is done for a man— wear what you want hot girls.

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

How Fashion Impacts Mental Health

How does fashion impact my mental health?

When the average person thinks of Fashion they immediately have a mental image of something along these lines: an unrealistic skinny tall blonde model walking down a runway in heels that no sane person would ever think of putting on their feet. Maybe they picture shopping in a crowded mall with tiny dressing rooms, trying on item after item while their mother or significant other is standing outside screaming “Let me see it on!!!”. Generally from my experience, when people first hear the word fashion, they are suddenly in a place where they are judging themselves or comparing themselves to unrealistic standards. I want to change that.

Don’t get me wrong, I have definitely had my dressing room freak-outs from trying on too many pairs of jeans that I hate or I not being able to find a top that fits me in the right places. Just like any relationship, our relationship with fashion will not ever be perfect, but that is what makes it beautiful. With the right approach, fashion can positively impact your mental health and change your life for the better.

Fashion can actually impact how we think. Ever wonder why you have to wear a suit for your corporate job? Professional dressing has been proven to increase abstract thinking. Wearing a lab coat has been proven to actively improve the performance of tasks. The saying “look good feel good do good” actually has a lot of scientific truth behind it. Certain colors can aid in mental health issues as well. Blue is an antidepressant color, while green is proven to reduce anxiety. So should you wear a lab coat every day? Or always wear the color green? No, but this is what you can do:

Wear What You Want to Be

Someone I admire in the fashion industry once said that there is nothing that can make you feel the way clothing does. If you want to feel sexy, you put on your finest suit or a little black dress. If you want to feel powerful, you put on a blazer and a statement pair of shoes. If you want to feel comfortable, you put on a cozy pair of sweatpants and the biggest t-shirt you can find. Fashion is not always perfect because it is a mirror of who we are as people. I can convey whatever I want to with my clothing choices— how incredible is that.

Fashion is a unique and deeply rooted personal concept, and it will affect everyone’s mood differently. This is why it is so important to explore different colors, patterns, and styles. Once you discover how different clothing items make you feel, you can display your true thoughts and emotions through your wardrobe. Wear what you want to be! Expressing myself through my clothing has helped my confidence in a way that nothing else in my life has. If I am nervous for a date or an interview, I curate an outfit that gives myself the confidence boost that I need to be able to express who I truly am. Clothing is so powerful and I hope to inspire you to think about what pieces make you feel the best!

Don’t know where to start? Join me for another Hot Girl Talk.

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras

I want to invest in my wardrobe, but I don’t know where to start!

Investing in your wardrobe

Fashion and style is a personal journey that everyone should navigate at their own pace in a way that is comfortable for them. It should be a positive way to express yourself! No judgement, no shame, no negativity. This being said, a lot of people don’t even know where to begin when finding their personal style. My style is constantly changing and adapting to what my interests are, what point I am at in my life, and how I want to express myself on a daily basis. I have so much fun navigating my fashion journey, and I am here to help you do the same.

If you are struggling in finding a starting point, a closet clean out is the perfect place to begin. Go through every item you have and see if it is an expression of who you are. This does not have to be complicated! Ask yourself “do I like this?” and “does this make me feel like a confident version of myself?” and you will know whether or not to keep or donate.

After the closet clean out, I always encourage people to research either a person or a brand whose style they admire. I personally have always idolized Emma Chamberlain as a fashion icon. I scroll through her social media posts and get inspiration for outfits I want to recreate while adding personal touches. I also love Ralph Lauren, so a lot of my wardrobe inspiration comes from going through the look-books on their website and seeing what pieces stand out to me. If you can’t think of a celebrity or brand to look into, Pinterest is always a great place to find inspiration. All projects feel less intimidating after a brainstorm and some research!

Now that we have a fresh closet and some inspiration, we are ready to start investing our time into building our wardrobe. For those of you that need some direction, I would start with the basics! Find out what shapes make you feel beautiful. For example, the SKIMS cotton jersey t-shirts fit like a glove and make me feel confident. This is where I will grab a few basic tees to use as a base layer. Go through your basics: t-shirts, jeans, shorts, etc, and find a cut that makes you feel good. From there we grab all of our basic colors and now we have what people refer to as a capsule wardrobe. All of the pieces are neutral and can be shuffled together to create many different looks.

Once our basics are solidified, we can start getting into the really fun part! Finding unique or colorful pieces of clothing can be intimidating, and this is where our inspiration comes in. Refer back to your brainstorming, and search for items that fit the same aesthetic. This is also where thrifting comes into play. I love going to local thrift stores and finding unique items that I can use with the basics I have in my closet. This allows me to experiment with my style in an environmentally friendly way without spending too much money. Playing with patterns and colors can be intimidating, but this is where your creativity can really shine through.

Investing in your wardrobe is the key to helping both your wallet and the environment. We hear the term fast fashion get tossed around in this conversation (saving those details for a different day) and we should ultimately try to avoid fast fashion if we don’t have the proper education. Indulging in brands that are unethical or “too trendy” can put you in an endless cycle of purchasing clothing that you will quickly toss or donate. This is what we are trying to avoid. Investing in your wardrobe can mean so many different things; splurging on a piece that will last long enough to give to your children, avoiding flashy trends that will quickly get tossed or donated, or simply finding pieces that can be worn in various ways. The easiest way to avoid this is to limit your “Event Shopping”. Build your wardrobe without the intent of wearing one outfit for one specific event. If you know you will wear the dress one time and toss it, rethink the purchase! You’ll be inevitably wasting your money while simultaneously contributing to the environmentally harmful side of the industry. Shop smarter! If you want to change up the look of a certain piece you have, try investing in accessories. Shoes, handbags, and jewelry is the best way to transform a look if you feel that strongly about being labeled an outfit repeater.

Ultimately, the biggest tip I could possibly give you is to wear everything with confidence! Your first thought when trying on clothes should be “does this make me feel good?” not “what will people think of me if I wear this”. Fashion is personal and it is only up to you whether or not you “look good”. Shop smart, enjoy the process, and always remember that confidence is the best accessory!

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Hailey Cabeceiras Hailey Cabeceiras



I believe that fashion has an ability to convey our deepest thoughts, emotions, and personal style. Although it is often overlooked, fashion is much more than a stitched up piece of fabric, it serves as a window to our very essence. Curating our style every day gives us the power to mirror our true identity outwardly. Join me on many Hot Girl Talks as we explore the therapeutic realm of fashion, where self-expression is valued and admired. I encourage you to challenge the way you think about fashion. Let's embark on a journey together to discover the countless opportunities within the world of fashion and celebrate the art of dressing up as a form of self-empowerment.

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